Monday, August 30, 2010

Date Night with my Lovelies **Part 1**

This is a pretty epic post so it will take 2 parts to tell the tale. Yesterday we were home from Apple Valley, pretty ready to just relax. We needed to give Maxwell a bath and water our backyard but around 5:30 I got a urge to take advantage of the lovely summer evening and take Olivia to the Santa Monica Pier for the first time. *Actually we tried to take her with Aimee and Holden back in July but it was ridiculously crowded, hot and we had the stroller and it was close to impossible to navigate through the crowd so we went to the 3rd Street Pomenade instead*. So as I was driving on PCH I missed the turn for the pier and went further down towards Malibu. I was going to make a U-turn when I noticed I was at the Annenberg Beach House turn.

I first heard about the Annenberg Beach House when I read an article about it opening in Los Angeles magazine. I knew they had a community pool, yoga classes and a gym but you had to make a reservation. When I pulled into the parking lot I was sure they would turn us away because I didn't have a res but I told the guy I wanted to find out about yoga classes so he let us in. I saw people in the pool and to my delight it was a synchonized swimming rehearsal going on. So cool!! I would LOVE to be part of that one day *when I'm not mortified to be seen in a bathing suit*.

I love their swimming caps *so 60's* so we strolled around taking pics and watching the gorgeous sunset. There was a bat mitzvah going on in one of the spaces. *I want Liv to have one when she turns 13*

It was the best time of day to be there because it wasn't too hot or crowded *I detest large crowds* so we enjoyed having the leisure of the space. I am thinking about making a reservation for Thursday so Aimee could come with me and Liv. We then went to look for parking for the pier and found a great spot just steps from the pier but the signs posted said no parking from 8pm - 7am *mega lame* so we moved further down and had to walk quite a distance. The pier was busy but not as crowded as I expected. I was craving cotton candy so I bought a bag. Olivia was bewildered by all the lights and amusement rides. She really looked amazed.

*I want to go to this Trapeze school sooo bad*

*I'm hopped up on cotton candy* I was surprised that a tourist attraction would be a good time for us but we loved it. We have to take Olivia back when she's old enough to ride the ferris wheel.

We have sooo much planned for this weekend

Friday ~ Scott Pilgrim vs the World movie *Antz Mom will spend the night to babysit*
Saturday ~ Calabasas farmers market / Vinny's birthday party
Sunday ~ Mythical Creature party *at Leslie's*
Monday ~ Seal sanctuary / drive up PCH

It's a busy week but I am getting my Summer Bucket List finished *at least 50%*

1. Take Olivia to at least one summer outdoor concert *still want to go to the Hollywood Bowl*
2. Learn the lyrics to an entire April March song *Working on Mon Petit Ami, I really suck at French*
3. Buy an inflatable pool and play with Liv in it *Done*
4. Eat outdoors every Friday *3 Fridays down*
5. Become a regular at the Montrose Farmers Market *Sundays*
6. Buy fresh strawberries *Done* / Make a strawberry pie *Done*
7. Take Olivia to Keith & Tina's for her first swimming lesson *Done*
8. Take Olivia to my Mom's house in Apple Valley *Done*
9. Sleep in the hammock *will most likely happen this week*
10. Make s'mores over our firepit *Done*
11. Have a friend's dog party at our house *#10*
12. Take one road trip up the Pacific Coast Highway *seal santuary going this weekend*
13. Take 1,000 pictures of Olivia *getting close*
14. Take Olivia to a petting zoo *she needs her vaccinations first so this is on hold until Sept*

So, the conclusion of our evening will be posted later in part 2...pour ĂȘtre continuĂ©!

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