Thursday, November 4, 2010

29 Days of Thanks

Day #2...I am thankful for my amazing Mum. As you know, I am an only child but what you may not know, my Mommy is also an only child. We have a super close tiny family *my Mom is a single parent by choice* My Mom and I are BFFs. She tells me the truth even when it's brutal but I appreciate that she has my back like no other. She totally supports my decisions, even when she doesn't agree with them. I can call her any time of day for advice and she'll give me wisdom that is invaluable. My Mom is an incredible person, I can't even begin to list all her achievements but she is definitely in my Hall-of-Fame.

I am super thankful for my Mommy, I love you!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, I got teary eyed reading this sweet. Your mom is awesome. <3