Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Pere Lachaise - Let's try this again

Rain shall not deter me from seeing the awesome graves at Pere Lachaise. We set out early and even figured out which Metro to take so we ended up at the closest entrance to Oscar Wilde's tomb so we can hit it first. I brought my crimson lipstick along so I can plant one on there and hopefully not have my lips fall off from disease. When we last went, there was hardly anyone there and the dark, gray sky made for some creepy but perfect looking photos. We ended returning on the brightest sunniest day full of tourists and I was concerned the photos would end up too cheerful for the dark mood I was trying to set. Oh well, can't fault a gorgeous day in Paris.

This is the final resting place of writer, playwright and famous poet Oscar Wilde
Oscar penned one of my favorite quotes "Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination." He also wrote The Picture of Dorian Gray
People have been kissing his tomb for years and in 2011 the cemetery staff decides to place plexiglass to deter the kissing. So lame! He gets an air kiss from Liz
J'adore Edith Piaf
Victor Noir's crotch has an urban legend behind it
The famous lovers Abelard & Heloise

We also saw Moliere, Chopin and Jim Morrison but those photos were a part of my deleted batch that I am still mourning! Definitely one of my favorite places in Paris. I still need to return to see it all.

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