Thursday, November 19, 2009

The latest Baby Dance Sensation

If I knew how, I would put Single Ladies *by Pomplamoose* on this video. We saw Dr. Teng last Thursday and she told us all was lovely and we won't see her again until January. We have a nuchal translucency screening next Tuesday. Totally freaked out about it after reading all the pamphlets the nurse gave me.

11 weeks from liz hall on Vimeo.

The latest bebe dancing sensation. I have a bad case of the sniffles and sneezes. I am trying hard to not get sick, particularly so close to Turkey day! So after seeing the wonderful Fantastic Mr Fox, I felt totally nostalgic for The Royal Tenenbaums. Brilliant cast, kick ass soundtrack, best usage of 1970's style New York Gypsy yummy!

How rad would that wallpaper be in our bebe's nursery?! We went to our good friend's *not so very* surprise dinner party and tonight we had thai with Antz sister. My ligament still hurts but walking helps. Antz has almost all of next week off. He has been Mr Fix-it around the house.

Our poor stairs, the gardener breaks the tile bringing up his mower and the foundation moves quite a bit, so...


What a huge improvement, the problem is, the gardener will most likely crack the new tiles on Monday and our foundation still moves. He also cleaned out the spiders from the garage and made it actually not feel creepy to stand in it. My husband rules!
Bon nuit!

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