Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Olivia & Molly

Liv has found a new BFF...MOLLY!!

Molly is my "aunt" Gail's golden retriever

Seeing them play together makes me miss Maxwell *his 1 year anniversary is next month*

Super Cute!

Gail is showing Liv photos of her Grandmother

This is always my favorite time of year, tax refund *$$$* and catching up my Gail time. While Liv, Antz & Molly enjoyed the sunshine in Gail's garden and hung out with their chickens. Gail & I were inside crunching numbers and discussing our fondness of classical music and private schools. I got my magic number again this year, so it seems I can now make a final decision for where we are going for Liv's 2nd birthday. I still haven't heard from the pre-school who should be calling me any day to schedule an intake meeting to help them make their decision. There's always something for me to stress about, even when everything is perfect!

Serenity NOW!!!

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