Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Björk at the Hollywood Bowl

Let me repeat that...

Björk Gudmundsdóttir AT THE HOLLYWOOD  BOWL!!!

I actually toned it down with my conservative look for Antz sake
I have no idea who the opening band was...wasn't really into them, sorry!
Her voice was like heaven at this venue, our seats were great and despite the drunk gay guy next to me groping and slurring in my ear most of the time, I was in enthralled.
Yeah, Björk is so fucking amazing, she produces electricity with her voice
 Here's the videos I took *they are uploading so it will be awhile before I can add them*
Here's the setlist, the encore was RIDICULOUS!! I was jumping through the whole thing *which sucks for the video I took*
The show was STELLAR!! I screamed, cried, much fun!!
Me and Mr. Sleepyface
I always meet new friends at björk shows
Word of caution, never give your camera to a drunk bitch who says she will take a photo of you and your husband.
We hung out as long as we could to get a setlist *or maybe sneak into the after party again* then Antz reminded me we will miss our bus back to the Zoo, where we parked
We made it just in time.
Thanks so much Story & Chris for bebesitting Liv for us!! Super hugs and thanks to Erin for helping me sell my extra tickets. Thanks to Brian for sharing his cider beer and allowing me to scream in his ears during the entire show.

Here's some *much better* photos from Björk's facebook page. THANK YOU for an phenomenal show. I'll never forget seeing Björk at the Bowl!!

photo credit: Debi Del Grande
Her incredible headpiece is by maiko takeda *and I totally want one!*

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