Saturday, May 14, 2011

I could use a V-8!

I am super exhausted from the past 2 days. Wednesday was pretty chill, I took Olivia to the park by myself which was a huge undertaking. It's hard making sure she didn't fall while trying to take her pics with the Nikon and shooing away annoying bugs *last time we went to this park, I ended up with huge red bug bites all over me*

It was pretty rad until she started eating the grass.

Thursday was Aimee Date day so I drove to her house and we spent 8 HOURS shopping!! We got just about everything on her list. We started at our favorite kids store Jackapotomus. This time we met the owner, Cassie *who is awesome* and Aimee went nuts buying Liv's birthday clothes *sorry, they will make their debut on her birthday* and this sweet Hippo.

We christened her Elodie the Organic Hippo

Hmmm, could I make these sweet birdy purses? We'll see!

The most important order of business was getting the couch from World Market. Aimee and I both spotted this mega cute sofa/sleeper at separate times *once again proving our BFF power* and we unanimously decided it would work best in her place.

This was my orginal Mood Board

We needed to check if 2 people could fit in the sleeper *NERD ALERT!*

She got this adorable Indian inspired floor cushion and a mirror on sale

She was considering these nesting tables as an end table but we can find better than $139.99

Problem was we needed to ask Antz to bring his truck and his strength over to help us girls drive it to Aimee's house. So while we waited for him to get off work we went to Urban Outfitter *who was having the best sale ever* Aimee got a 5 x 7 rug for $19.99 *I grabbed one too in magenta. Who can beat that price??

I almost bought this adorable lamb sweater but I was good!

I did try on a few hats for fun

Why do I look like Jambi in this turban?

She also got a mirrored bathroom tray and a cloche for $9.99 and she bought this awesome hat

She kept saying it's the same hat as the creepy dude in Poltergiest, I think she looks FABulous!

*shudder* That guy used to scare me to death!

We went to Ikea to find a frame for this poster I bought her and she bought dishes and a few knick knacks.

I really wanted her to get this vanity *so sweet* but it wouldn't fit in her bedroom or walk in closet, Boo!

I must get Liv a kitchen play set but it's so hard to choose...

Economically Modern?

Cottage Cutesy?

Or break the bank with the RAD Retro Dream Kitchen set?

Oh well, I have a few years to decide.

Next we went to Target of course and I found the most yummy smelling candle I have ever seen at Target on clearance. Bad news was, it was on clearance so there was only 1 left and I gave it to Aimee *cause that's how we besties do it* so now I'm obsessed with find a few for me.

We drove back to the shopping center *World Market* to wait for Antz when we noticed it had an....

I HAD to get this lamp shade because

A. It was on super sale and
B. it has been on my wishlist for Olivia's big girl bedroom and I would be bummed if it sold out

Orimono Shade
I really want to use it with this lamp base but it's $298 so I'll never be able to afford it.

Sibley Floor Lamp is dreamy!

By the time we forced ourselves out of Anthro, Antz was 10 minutes away to pick up the sofa.

We were concerned it wouldn't fit even though Antz Honda Element has fold up seats and is pretty awesome at carrying cargo. They ended up having to take it out of the box and squeezed that guy in there with less than an inch to spare to close the trunk.

Liv and I chilled while they played movers on this sweet kid's picnic table

So adorable, I may be getting this later this summer...$80? Sold!

So we played follow the leader to Venice and they somehow got that sofa and all 50 bags of stuff into Aimee's apartment. Antz took over as carpenter and he put up her mirror, put together the sofa, framed the Paris poster *still need to find a frame for her Annabella Llwin poster* and installed hooks. Here's that $10 cloche from Urban

New Sofa, rug, mirror and floor cushion

This is her shrine devoted to her son Holden

Aimee was super happy, somebody stole my jump shot *she looks so chipper* I forgive you.

Snort, this cracks me up!

With Liv

Needless to say, we got home at midnight and I decided it would be fun to knock over an enormous cup of sticky juice on our coffee table which has all our life's photos inside of it. We spent an hour individually wiping off all the pictures and we ended up losing 3 to the drink fiasco.

Le Sigh.

Oh, I saw this at World Market and became very angry...booze it up douchelords!! *GROSS*

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