Saturday, September 14, 2013

The //100p// Project by Marcello Ambriz

Yesterday was Friday the 13th. It was an interesting day for Olivia and me. I somehow finagled my way into getting our portrait taken by a friend of a friend. I saw Marcello was working on a project on Instagram. Sort of joking, I asked if he needed any volunteers. He said sure and in a half an hour we were sitting for our portrait. Lesson learned, it never hurts to ask, lovelies! I'm usually wary about having my photo taken straight on and without smiling I think I look mean but I love how our portraits turned out. Of course, Liv was a pro even though she was feeling shy. Marcello is super talented. I'm so honored to be a part of his 100 portraits project.

The link to the entire project is here.

Here's our portraits.

This one is my favorite *I totally look like a real estate agent*

Thanks Marcello for the lovely photos! Now we're off to a birthday party.

Happy Saturday!

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