Thursday, December 30, 2010

I speak fluent whale

We had such a super fun, fishy day. I ended up being late as always because I took the wrong freeway *nimrod* and we got stuck in traffic. Luckily, I didn't make Aura wait too long. We had such a blast! Liv really liked watching the fish. I can't wait until Liv is old enough to run around and play with Elina *Aura's awesome daughter*

Awesome Mummies

That is one huge sea bass

This is my absolute favorite photo of Liv & her Papa

We could've watched the otters all day

I LOVE this guy soooo much!!

Liv rocked her fishy cardi from Anthropologie *even though it's a wee bit large*

After about 50 jumps, Antz finally got one!

Creepy crabs

So as you can see, Liv was quite enthralled by the fish. We definitely have to go back soon. I was so surprised there were no penguins. I really want to go to the Monterey Aquarium *I took Antz there for his 30th birthday* Now, sleepytime for me.
Nighty Night lovelies!

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