Thursday, September 9, 2010


Today we drove *across country* to Venice Beach to pick up Aimee. Wait! Before that, Antz dressed Liv in her *big girl outfit* this morning and we took week 14 pics. OMG! She looked mega cute *I know I say that every week but she is such a doll*

She kinda fits her addidas *with socks* and her jeans were huge on her but the peasant top fits nicely for 6 - 12 months. So we picked up Aimee and Liv was in a great mood, smiling and chattering the entire drive to Aimee's Moms house. Her Mom freaked out when she saw Liv. She thought she was beautiful!

She said she looked alot like me. She gave Olivia these pretty gold hoops for when she gets her ears pierced *on her 6 month birthday December 2nd*. I really want to have it done at either a doctor's office or a reputable jewelry store *Tiffany's or Cartier* so I won't spazz out about her getting an infection. We went to the Fox Hills mall after and me and Aimee were starving but we went to Target first. I checked out the childrens books but there wasn't anything I liked besides a Yo Gabba Gabba book. I picked up The Great Gatsby just because it's on my list *#8*. I got everything on my shopping list but I forgot to look at king size pillows to replace our old ones *I threw out last week during a frustrated tantrum*. I got these adorable bunny ears because they remind me of Lily Allen's Maison Michel's ones *ooh, I would die to have that veil*

We dropped everything off at my car and rushed to the food court to scarf down some food since we hadn't eaten all day. I even fed Liv after I ate. Lots of people were complimenting her outfit but one randon guy mistook her for a boy *arrgh, so annoying!* After a quick stop at Old Navy to see if they had this jacket I was considering for Liv *no luck, its not available in stores yet*

I took Aimee home. She was already making plans for next Thursday but honestly, the drive to Venice and back is exhausting. Liv screamed Bloody Murder the entire drive home, I always spend over 2 hours driving in heavy traffic and it throws off Olivia's bedtime schedule *it took Antz 40 minutes to get her to calm down for bed* I love my best friend but, I am going to have to take a raincheck next week. Tomorrow is our date night and we are thinking of going to the movie earlier and then coming home to pick up Liv and his sister and go to Alcapulcos for dinner. The only issue I have with that is, such a late dinner *after 9pm* and Liv will miss her bedtime. Well, we still need to figure out what works best, we could go to dinner first and then catch the 9pm  show. This has been another lightening week. I still need to clean the house for our visitors on Sunday and Antz has to give Maxwell a bath *gross*. I also want to try out my new awesome rolling pin this weekend for some baked goodness.

Taa Tah

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