Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hello panic mode!

Did I really let an entire day go by without cleaning this house? I mean, I did some laundry, dusted and swept our bedroom but I need to clean/line our linen closet with paper, put the pillowcases on my hospital pillows and mop these floors. I have so much time during the day but I only seem to want to do stuff when Antz gets home. He was supposed to wash Max but by the time he gets home it's almost dark and he looks so tired, I hate for him to have to do it. Well, tomorrow is the deadline to get all that done and in the morning *well about 4 1/2 hours* we have our prenatal appt and we are meeting our pediatrician. He is looking for a used Bugaboo Bee but of course the only ones he can find are the old model. Someone is selling a blue 2009 one in good condition for $450 in Los Feliz but I want the 2010 model. I spaced out and forgot to order an additional chair at Pico Party Rents and I forgot to schedule my appt for my pedicure. I need to clean out my car tomorrow and have Antz put in the car seat. The good news is as slow as I am moving, the crew is working on getting the garage finished by Thursday.

It's looking like our old roof/deck again. They have had to use 3 coats of paint because the wood is very absorbent. They finished stucco-ing our wall and the fire wall so they need to paint that the same blue as our house. Luckily we had some in the garage. They still have to come back next week to finish the job but at least the house will look presentable for the shower.

On a more productive note, we did manage *I say we but that was me handing Antz feathers as he did all the work* to finish the feather centerpieces!! We worked on them while watching Idol and they came out lovely. I am super excited about them but one thing bums me out, I am concerned they will block people's faces at the tables. They seem the exact height as ours on our table but Antz is like whatever, they are done!

We have 5 total and 4 tables, so we need to figure out where the 5th will go. Antz scored a small frame that almost looks like the menu board. He ran out of pink spray paint so he used black. He printed out the scrapbook instructions and framed it. I really hope people get some good photos and don't waste the film. I have 100 shots but I don't want to use them all up for this party. Friday is going to be sooo nerve-racking. I really hope I get my ass in gear and clean this house tomorrow *actually today*. I am hoping Dr. Teng gives us an ultrasound and tells us how much Olivia weighs. I feel like I have been eating like a cow the past 2 weeks.

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